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Bob Scott - The Illustrated Birdwatcher's Calendar

Bob Scott - The Illustrated Birdwatcher's Calendar

Įprasta kaina €10,00 EUR
Įprasta kaina Išpardavimo kaina €10,00 EUR
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Būklė - labai gera


Birdwatching continues to grow in popularity, partly because birds are easier to observe than most other animals, but also because their fascinating behaviour can be studied at first hand. This book is a companion to year-round birdwatching in Britain, offering information on over 200 species of British birds, every one beautifully illustrated. For each month of the year the author has selected birds which are interesting to observe at that time. Introductory chapters explain how birds are named and classified, what equipment is needed, and describe the biology and behaviour patterns of birds, while charts at the end of the book summarize the main activities of each species through the year and list likely habitats around the country. In addition, there is a comprehensive index and a glossary of ornithological terms.

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